My school is IX.gimnazija.It is in Zagreb and it's adress is Dobojska 12.IX.gimnazija was founded 1945. by UNESCO.It has 20 classes on three floors.It has some special well equipment cabinets and classes where we can do our work on computers.Our teachers are great, they help us in every problem and they are trying very hard to get us to a good college.IX.gimnazija offers a various activities for each students who wants to be a part of it, for example chor, chess club, debate club, volunteer club and etc.We have options to study four languages like english, german, italian and french.Our students achieve great results in competitions which tells you how good our school really is.IX.gimnazija participates in work of European Parlament and Europe council.We are first croatian school which created student exchange in Italy, Izrael and America.
I think that this is all about my school in short.